Join Girling Jones in 2019!!
Imagine that.
Not just a surprise, a toy and some chocolate.
Not just the latest cooking set complete with chocolate mini roll and baked beans.
This would be so much more…..
On average we have 80 years on this old planet. 80 years to suck the marrow from life, experience as much as we can, leave a legacy, make a difference….whatever floats your boat. 80 years seems like a long time but when you break it down that’s not really all that much.
We spend 30 hours crying and 8 months laughing, 368 days down the pub, 17 weeks having sex (probably not in one go). Things look even more worrying when you consider we spend on average 3 years on social media and 26 years asleep.
Consider further the 92,120 hours we spend at work. That’s 3,838 days or 10.5 years at your desk, in the office, out on site, earning a crust. 
At Girling Jones we want those 10.5 years to count, not just in your back pocket but inside and outside of work. We’d like you to look forward to the working week as much as the weekend (or nearly) and we focus much of our time on making this happen.
The Team – you see your colleagues more than family and friends so its important we all get on. At Girling Jones there are no ego’s, no idiots, just a cracking bunch who get on like a house on fire and support each other to the nines. You ring the bell, we all cheer!
The Challenge – of course we’ll push you to achieve a stunningly successful career. That’s a given. Here at Girling Jones we recognise that personal goals and development are probably more even more important. If you’re happy and achieving outside work, you’ll more than likely replicate this inside work. Our quarterly business plans include personal goals and targets to enhance your overall well-being and we’ll support you in achieving these.
The Office – freshly baked cakes, a Micro-gym, awesome tunes, river views, office dogs, fluffy towels and warm hugs. It’s bloody great here!!
The recognition – it’s nice to earn lots of money and certainly a big part of why we come to work. It’s even nicer to be recognised and this plays a big part of life at Girling Jones. Monthly and quarterly incentives, players club awards, employee of the quarter, clear and achievable promotion criteria, 360 feedback sessions so you run the business, desk thrones, dancing tigers and lazers. If you put it in, we give it back!!
As the winter nights draw in, why not use up that last bit of paper, wrap up your CV and post it off to Santa……
Ho! Ho! Ho!